Possible Readings for

D. Industrialization and Energy Use


“Confusing capitalism with industrialization,” by Jason D Scorse, blog entry, 10:41 AM on 02 Aug 2006, x sp.

One-sentence description of this article. This clearly raises the link between industrialization and environmental impact, with some good questions.


“Depletion and the Long-run Availability of Mineral Commodities,” by John E. Tilton, Colorado School of Mines, Magazine, March 2001, 173 p.

One-sentence description of this article. Way too long, with dense economics, but some history and broad perspective.

Energy Use

“Oil’s Peak: The End May Be Nearer, It Seems,” Editorial, Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 27, 2005, 3 sp

One-sentence description of this article. Alarmist, and not too informatiave.

“Oil Peak? Uh-Oh,” by Clay Evans, opinion column, Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera, May 8, 2005, 3 sp.

The coming collapse of our oil-based lifestyle. I think this is a little too focused on alarmism. If we’re doomed, why bother?

“The Technical, Economic and Achievable Potential for Energy-Efficiency in the U.S. – A Meta-Analysis of Recent Studies,” by Steven Nadel, Anna Shipley and R. Neal Elliott, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, from the Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, 12 p.

One-sentence description of this article.

“Tackling Climate Change in the US: Potential Carbon Emissions Reductions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 2030,” edited by Charles F. Kutscher, American Solar Energy Society, January 31, 2007.

This detailed study examines the extent to which energy efficiency and renewable technologies could potentially reduce U.S. carbon emissions by 2030 in an aggressive but achievable scenario. It shows that these technologies have the potential to achieve between a 60% and 80% reduction below today’s level by 2050. About 57% of the carbon displacement is provided by energy efficiency and 43% by the various renewable technologies. Of the renewables contribution, about one-third is due to wind power, and the rest is roughly evenly divided among the other technologies studied.

“Nuclear Power: An Exchange: Kevin Cahill, Reply by Bill McKibben,” New York Review of Books, Volume 48, Number 18, November 15, 2001, 7 sp.

One-sentence description of this article.