Additional Notes and Tips
on Using the START Reading List
Readings Selected
- The readings address important topics covering a wide range of issues and a variety of perspectives for addressing those issues, but they are certainly not exhaustive. Rather than attempting that impossible task, we have tried to illuminate the roots of some of our most pressing problems and to offer a range of promising strategies for moving toward a better future as well as some challenging perspectives to stimulate thoughtful discussion.
p. - number of pages (~250 words/page)
min. - viewing/listening minutes
Reading List Format
- For each reading in the Reading List, the full link address (url) is provided so that if a reading entry is printed or copied, the link address information is readily available.
- Sometimes multiple link addresses are listed for a reading in case one of the links eventually becomes unavailable (the document is removed from the source website or the source website becomes defunct).
Reading the Readings
- If the text in a reading is too small, try using your web browser’s Make Text Bigger command. Or select and copy the entire text and paste it into a word processor program in which you can change the text size, font, font color, and style.
- Note that some readings extend to several pages. Be sure to check at the bottom of the page for a link to the next page.
- No ads: Some of the readings are on commercial sites, but on some of these sites, you can select a “printer friendly” option that removes distracting advertisements, links, and menus.